Fabrik Beta Release

Fabrik Beta Release

Our brand new plugin, called Fabrik is out now in closed beta. This means you can sign up to our waiting list here to test out the synth for free.

Block-based design

Fabrik is fundamentally different to any other synthesizer on the market, due to its simple block-based design. It allows you to visualize the entire processing chain in a single application. The signal flows from left to right. The blocks are elementary signal processing tools such as oscillators, waves and envelopes. These blocks are designed to be simple and very close to the actual underlying functions.

We believe that this creates creative flexibility and allows for a deeper understanding of what audio synthesis actually is. Flagship synths often emulate hardware designs, which can be confusing when trying to recreate the same sounds digitally. This can lead to a disparity between the expected analog warmth and the digital output. With Fabrik this disparity is nonexistent.

To create your own circuits, start by right-clicking on the canvas to view and select your desired block. Each block has connection handles that you use to link different blocks together. To achieve this, drag from an output handle (right side of the block) to an input handle (left side of the block) or a modulation handle (bottom side of the block). It is important to note that only outputs can connect to inputs and modulation handles.

Unique features of Fabrik

Using this design as a baseline, we achieve unprecedented functionalities:

Modulate anything

You can modulate any parameter by connecting to the modulation handle at the bottom of a node. There are no restrictions on what can modulate a parameter. For example, you can control the filter cutoff frequency with an oscillator or modulate the speed of an LFO with another LFO. This flexibility allows for maximum creativity in your sound design process.

Feedback loops

We have a very powerful block, called signal delay. It delays the input signal by a given time. You can route the output of this block back into a previous block in the signal chain, creating a feedback loop. Feedback loops are common in real world scenarios, such as when a microphone picks up sound from speakers or when a snare drum is struck. Thus by using this block, you can generate complex artifacts and emulate natural phenomena in acoustics.

Infinite Oscillators

You can add an unlimited number of oscillators, each playing at different pitches. The unison block lets you scale the number of oscillators, supporting up to 5 voices per block. By chaining multiple unison blocks, you can create large collections of voices. For example, creating a chain of three unison blocks, each with 5 voices, generates 5×5×5 = 125 voices in total.

JIT Compilation

If you are thinking “This sounds very CPU intensive”, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Our audio engine utilizes one of the most powerful techniques for efficient computation of dynamically changing programs. When you create a graph in Fabrik, you are essentially creating a program that gets dynamically compiled to machine code whenever you make changes. This technique, called Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, is also used in modern browser engines to run websites with JavaScript efficiently.

Who we are

We are a student trio specializing in mathematics and computer science, based in Berlin. With extensive expertise in music production and software engineering, we united when our tech lead proposed an innovative idea for an audio engine. Stay tuned for more on our background story by signing up for our newsletter.

Fabrik is out in beta

We support VST3 and AU formats for both Mac and Windows, with plans to add CLAP support. If you need other formats, let us know – adding more formats supported by iPlug2 shouldn’t be a problem. Note that VST is a trademark of Steinberg and AU is a trademark of Apple.

If you’re interested in testing our synth, please sign up to our waiting list. We are currently in closed beta and will gradually invite more testers as we increase capacity. The earlier you sign up, the better your chances of getting in.